
  • Visión general

    • Sistema especial para espumas de EPP y elementos de panel
    • Se puede aplicar con espumas de EPP de prácticamente todos los espesores
    • Ideal para el montaje independiente de tolerancias al no requerir perforado previo
    • Montaje sencillo tras el proceso de aplicación de la espuma
    • Elevadas fuerzas de tracción transmisibles
    • Altos pares de apriete
    • Ahorro de peso debido al uso de material plástico
    • Reciclable

Thomas Steinhauser

CAD & more - Your Online-Service

In this area we provide CAD data in various formats as well as PDFs of the technical drawings of our products EVO PT®, DELTA PT®, SHEETtracs® and ALtracs® Plus. Additionally, CAD & more offers you the possibility to design your individual joints with the aid of prognosis programs or to check their feasibility by APPLICATION CHECKs. Furthermore, you can download the latest product brochures, technical publications and the EJOT company standards.

CAD & more

Unión de soldadura por fricción en espumas EPP

El EJOT® EPPsys RSD ("cúpula de soldadura por fricción") es un elemento de fijación de gran capacidad para espumas de EPP y elementos de panal de PP. Esta innovadora fijación se aplica directamente en la espuma de EPP mediante el proceso de soldadura por fricción y queda fijada de forma duradera y fiable al material fundido. Finalmente, el EPPsys RSD permite realizar un atornillado directo sencillo y seguro con el tornillo EJOT EVO PT® .

EJOT Delta Tubus as an alternative to friction welding

If the EJOT® EPPsys RSD and its assembly after foaming are not suitable for you, it is also possible to create a joint with our Delta Tubus elements. These parts are inserted into the mould before the foaming process and subsequently surrounded by the EPP or similar foams. Thus, after opening the mould, you get a finished component that already contains the joining elements. EVO PT® screws 40 or 50 are used for fastening in this case. 

Easy insert solution with the EPP insert

The EPP insert is the easiest solution for creating a screw-in option in foams. This element can be pressed into pre-drilled components thanks to its special ribbed geometry. No special assembly technology is required here – all that is needed is to ensure that the foam component has a pre-hole. This can be drilled or already created during the foaming process. The EPP insert is available with a metric M5 thread. Further hole geometries upon request.